

HeartMath was founded in 1991. Since 1995, the HeartMath® Institute has conducted cutting-edge research on stress, emotional responses, heart-brain interactions, the physiology of learning, and optimal performance. Through this research, HeartMath offers an effective and non-invasive way to improve emotional and physiological health. In addition, HeartMath continues to develop accurate and highly sensitive technology for heart rate variability training. Research demonstrates that the messages the heart sends to the brain can profoundly influence perception, behavior, performance, and health. Through the use of heart rate variability biofeedback, in addition to HeartMath’s unique techniques, the heart-brain interactions can be controlled and changed for the benefit of the user. As a result, HeartMath has been scientifically proven to improve focus, attention, sleep, energy, long-term and short-term memory, and the ability to regulate our physiology. It assists in a decrease of anxiety, depression and fatigue symptoms. HeartMath is supported by over 300 peer-reviewed, independent, and published studies.

HeartMath technology allows an in real-time look into the autonomic nervous system. Clients are able to tune into their sympathetic or ‘fight or flight’ and parasympathetic or ‘rest and digest’ responses. This immediate feedback provides an understanding of how our individual nervous system is shifting from moment-to-moment. By tuning into these subtle processes, clients are able to take charge of and quickly regulate their physiology.

Alexa Transtrum


HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, HeartMath® Certified Mentor, HeartMath® Certified Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider

How do we use HeartMath tools and technology in our office?

Alexa is a HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, Mentor, and Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider. She has integrated HeartMath techniques and technology into our unique neurotherapy model. Through this integration, we have seen immense changes in our clients overall physiology. The brain and body communicate more cohesively. What we’ve noticed is, we are all aware of what our struggles are and how we’d like to feel, think, or behave. The problem is that the subconscious runs on “auto-pilot”, independent of our conscious awareness, therefore, creating a disconnect from what we feel and what we do. Alexa utilizes her skills to help you bridge that gap and get you thinking, feeling, and doing the way you’d like to.

HeartMath Evaluation – Alexa conducts a HeartMath evaluation with each client. This is an hour-long appointment starting with a 5-minute evaluation that looks at the body’s “auto-pilot” or baseline responses. She will then provide an in-depth explanation of heart rate variability, nervous system responses, correlations to symptoms and qEEG results, and how to use this knowledge to redirect the body. She helps individuals learn the techniques and technologies in order to conduct their own, at home training.

HeartMath & Neurofeedback Sessions – All of our practitioners have the ability to utilize HeartMath technology in the office. By regulating the heart’s rhythms, we have seen a significant improvement in the brain and therefore, presenting issues. Utilizing HeartMath technology, with neurofeedback, is crucial to get the brain and body to learn new patterns, together.

HeartMath Mentoring –  Throughout your treatment with us, Alexa may work as your HeartMath® Certified Mentor. She will guide you through highly researched techniques and discuss how you can use them in day-to-day life. The goal is to have you complete treatment with as many tools as you need that allow you to hold on to the changes you’ve made in your body. Neurotherapy is not a temporary fix to a set of issues. We strive to provide you with life-long, lasting results and to continuously empower you to take control of your health; mind, body, and all.


HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks

We are committed to individualized care. Our many modalities offer us the ability to do this. We are actively discussing our client’s needs and refining our methodologies to deliver the most effective treatment possible. We may use one or all of these tools in order to meet our client’s goals.