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“Like other forms of biofeedback, Neurofeedback training (NFT) uses monitoring devices to provide in real time feedback and information to an individual on the state of their physiological functioning. The characteristic that distinguishes NFT from other biofeedback is a focus on the central nervous system and the brain. Neurofeedback training has its foundations in basic and applied neuroscience as well as data-based clinical practice. It takes into account behavioral, cognitive, and subjective aspects as well as brain activity.”

International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR)

“Neurofeedback is a specific treatment modality that retrains the brain by taking advantage of the brain’s neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to create new connections between neurons after an injury. Neurofeedback (NFB) changes the brain’s electrical function by using positive reinforcement through repeated sessions. NFB converts the dysfunctional state of the brain into a more normal state, as determined by a normative database.”

Paul Henry Wand, M.D.
Author of The Concussion Cure

“Trauma victims have dysregulated brains. The treatment of choice for PTSD to re-regulate the brain is Neurofeedback”

Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
Author of The Body Keeps the Score

“In a recent study with more than 100 elementary school children conducted by doctors at Tufts Medical Center and the Harvard School of Public Health and published in the journal Pediatrics, neurofeedback outperformed cognitive therapy in improving inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity and executive function , switching focus planning and organizing, remembering details, and curbing inappropriate speech and behavior.”

Excerpt from Finally Focused, by James Greenblatt, M.D.

“Neurofeedback is a sophisticated form of biofeedback and an extremely versatile treatment that is useful for many of the conditions described in this book. It has recently been recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics as a treatment for removing ADD and ADHD symptoms as effectively as medications. It rarely has side effects, as it is a form of brain training. It also has been approved for the treatment of certain kinds of epilepsy and is effective for many other conditions, including certain kinds of anxiety, post-traumatic stress conditions, learning disorders, brain injuries, migraines, and sensitivities that affect the autistic spectrum, to mention a few. It is a neuroplastic treatment but is not better known because it was pioneered before neuroplasticity was widely understood.”

Norman Doidge, M.D.
Author of The Brain that Changes Itself and The Brains Way of Healing

“The American Academy of Pediatrics supports Biofeedback rating efficacy at ‘Level 1, Best Support’”

September 2010 American Academy of Pediatrics analysis of Evidenced-Based Child and Adolescent Interventions

“EEG biofeedback meets the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry criteria for clinical guidelines for treatment of ADHD, seizure disorders, anxiety (OCD, GAD, PTSD, phobias), depression, reading disabilities, and addictive disorders. This suggests that EEG biofeedback should always be considered as an intervention for these disorders by the clinician.”

The editors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Volume 14, Number 1 January 2005.

“Overall, these findings support the use of multi-modal treatment, including medication, parent/school counseling, and EEG biofeedback, in the long-term management of ADHD, with EEG biofeedback in particular providing a sustained effect even without stimulant treatment…parents interested in non-pharmacological treatment can pursue the use of complementary and alternative therapy. The therapy most promising by recent clinical trials appears to be EEG biofeedback.”

Katie Campbell Daley, Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School The journal Current Opinion in Pediatrics: April 2004 – Volume 16 – Issue 2 – p 216 Office pediatrics: EDITORIAL OVERVIEW

“The EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society supports Neurofeedback in the treatment of
Seizure Disorders saying: ‘Based on this meta-analysis, EEG operant conditioning was found to produce a significant reduction in seizure frequency. This finding is especially noteworthy given the patient group, individuals who had been unable to control their seizures with medical treatment.’”

Gabriel Tan, John Thornby, D. Corydon Hammond, Ute Strehl, Brittany Canady, Kelly Arnemann and David A. Kaiser. Meta-Analysis of EEG Biofeedback in Treating Epilepsy, Journal of Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, July, 2009

“The Neurocognitive approach (EEG biofeedback) has demonstrated effectiveness in this area, as evidenced in this research article. While it is axiomatic that more research needs to be conducted, at least there appears to be a potential to have a positive impact upon the TBI patient whether they come from auto accidents, slip and falls or our soldiers returning from the Iraq war.”

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Efficacy Review of Computers, Strategies, QEEG-Guided Biofeedback, and Medications Technical Report #1 of the Brain Foundation Kirtley E. Thornton, Ph.D. & Dennis P. Carmody, Ph.D.

“Advantages to QEEG-Neurotherapy are that it is noninvasive, self-regulated, and has no known side effects, or systematic or pharmacological interactions. It is effective across a wide range of conditions and age groups.”

Denise Malkowicz, Jolene Ross, James Caunt “Integrative Approaches to Brain Rehabilitation”, Chapter 12, Integrative Rehabilitation, in Integrative Psychiatry, Monti, D. & Beitman, B., (Editors), Weil Integrative Medicine Library, Oxford Press

“The literature, which lacks any negative study of substance, suggests that EBT (EEG Biofeedback Therapy) should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy it would be universally accepted and widely used. It is a field to be taken seriously by all.”

Frank Duffy, M.D. Director, Developmental Neurophysiology Children’s Hospital, Boston Duffy F, Editorial, Clinical EEG,31,(1), 2000.

“In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy it would be universally accepted and widely used. Neurofeedback is a field to be taken seriously by all.”

Frank Duffy, M.D. Director, Developmental Neurophysiology Children’s Hospital, Boston Duffy F, Editorial, Clinical EEG,31,(1), 2000.

“EEG biofeedback meets the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry criteria for clinical guideline (CG) for treatment of ADHD, seizure disorders, anxiety (OCD, GAD, PTSD, phobias), depression, reading disabilities, and addictive disorders. This suggests that EEG biofeedback should always be considered as an intervention for these disorders by the clinician.”

The editors of a special issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Volume 14, Number 1 January 2005.

“…quantitative EEG has been shown to be highly sensitive (96%) in identifying post-concussion syndrome, and neurotherapy has been shown in a number of studies to be effective in significantly improving or redressing the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, as well as improving similar symptoms in non-TBI patients.”

The Usefulness of Quantitative EEG (QEEG)and Neurotherapy in the Assessment and Treatment of Post-Concussion Syndrome. Jacques Duff, CLINICALEEG and NEUROSCIENCE ©2004 VOL. 35 NO. 4.